Between 5 – 11 March, libraries, schools, business, and communities across our state will be celebrating Tasmania Reads week and you can too. Friends of North Bruny (FONB) are supporting a get together at Dennes Point on Tuesday 7 March where we will talk about our favourite Tasmanian Read. We hope this will be the impetus for a regular book group here in North Bruny and we’d love it if you could come along (and maybe bring a friend).
What to Read?
Now for the fun bit, what to read? We’re leaving that up to you, it just needs to have a Tasmanian flavour – it could be a read by a Tasmanian writer; it could be set in Tasmania; it could be about Tasmania – the broader the range the more interesting the discussion. Fiction/nonfiction/poetry/essays/magazines are all excellent choices, and you can ‘read’ hardcopy, eBooks or audio books.