
About us

Australia Reads is on a mission to get more people reading more books, more often!

We believe that reading is the key to a healthier, happier and more connected nation. As a champion for storytelling, Australia Reads promotes the positive impacts of books and reading on our society.

Our work is driven by a shared passion for reading and belief in the many benefits of reading for pleasure. We are committed to promoting the work of our talented Australian book creators and connecting businesses, communities, organisations and schools with transformative reading opportunities.

Australia Reads is a not-for-profit collaboration of the Australian Library and Information Association, Australian Publishers Association, the Australian Society of Authors and the BookPeople, working with members of all four organisations.

Proud partners

Australia Reads is made possible thanks to the amazing support of our partners, and has been assisted by the Australian Government, through RISE, the Office for the Arts and Creative Australia, along with the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.

Book lovers unite

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