Lian Tanner
Author of Children’s Fiction
based in TAS
Lian Tanner has been dynamited while scuba diving and arrested while busking. She once spent a week in the jungles of Papua New Guinea, hunting for a Japanese soldier left over from the Second World War. Lian’s middle grade books include the best-selling Keepers trilogy, A Clue for Clara, Rita’s Revenge, Spellhound and Fledgewitch. Her two picture books, When the Lights Went Out and Ella and the Ocean, are illustrated by Jonathan Bentley.
Lian’s stories have been translated into 13 languages, and have won many awards including the NSW Premier’s Literary Award, the Russell Prize for Humour Writing for Young People, the Sisters in Crime Davitt Award for Best Children’s Crime Novel, the Tasmanian Literary Award, and three Aurealis Awards for Best Australian Children’s Fantasy.