
Celebrate Library Lovers’ Day!

On Wednesday 14 February, book-lovers across the country will come together to celebrate Library Lovers’ Day.

Library Lovers’ Day is a day to honour libraries, librarians, and the valuable roles that libraries play in our lives.

Public libraries provide an essential service, and are a key part of the infrastructure that supports a reading nation.

Libraries support literacy, lifelong learning, access to information, community connection and also offer significant health and wellbeing benefits to individuals and communities.

A recent report found that 49% of adult Victorian believe that public libraries help them feel connected to their community, 56% believe that public libraries are a place where they feel safe and belong, and 44% of believe that public libraries help with their mental wellbeing.

Research from Victoria and South Australia shows that the benefits generated by public libraries are at least double their costs.

Show your support of #libraryloversday by downloading past Library Lover’s Day assets, or getting your hands on library loving merchandise.